Site Updates
- 2/19/25 Killed the landing page, various formatting updates around the site, restarted the Sitcom Corner (aka the TV / movies page that will probably get renamed).
- 9/19/24 Updating various pages, including the home page, entry page, etc
- 8/26/24 Finally started the Art Gallery!!!
- 1/24/24 Added the Ghoul Gathering Collab Archive and the Adopts & Buttons Page to the Junk Drawer. Also, new Blog entry.
- 12/1/23 Finished Junk Drawer page, where I'm gonna dump random stuff. Added a few of the planned buttons. Also, new Blog entry.
- 9/9/23 Added Sitemap.
- 8/6/23 Said "Fuck it." and started over from scratch. Except for this page! But links below here might be broken.
- 6/16/23 New Updates page. For Updates And Such. It got too big for the sidebar,
- 6/15/23 Added Buttons page to display all the 88x31 buttons I create.
- 6/9/23 Added my Concert Log to keep track of all the shows I've been to!
- 5/20/23 New Blog entry. Might need to add a scrollbar for the updates soon, lads.
- 5/6/23 Filled in some of the Misc page, added more graphics.
- 4/22/23 Added Blog page, halfheartedly added Misc page
- 4/18/23 Added graphics, slight layout changes
- 4/8/23 Added Personal Buttons, slight update to layout, added Discord server logo
- 4/6/23 Added About page
- 4/1/23 Started Site