07-20-24: Summer Sillies

Hope y'all aren't burning to death this summer!

It's hot-hot-hot here, but honestly, that's come to be expected down here in Texas. Such is life. The heat doesn't usually bother me much, because I'm usually inside anyways, but sometimes our air conditioner really struggles to keep up with how hot it is outside, and that's when shit suuucks. But things could always be worse. My dear friend Ki lives in LA, and their family doesn't even use their air conditioner. Like, at all, ever. I thought I was gonna die when I stayed with them for a couple weeks in June a couple years ago. I grew up keeping the house at like 65F at night.


I should've made a blog entry sooner, but oh well. My birthday was at the end of June! It was a pretty lowkey one, all things considered. My friend Ki sent me a package with a handmade hat, a donald duck rug, some moomin cookies, a friendship bracelet, and some other fun stuff. My friend Octo was also gonna send me a package, but got the address wrong and it got returned. Oops! My friend Shar got me a profile frame on Discord, which typically I would be against as a matter of principle, but... It's one of the Spongebob ones they did for the 25th anniversary, and those ones are actually pretty cool. And that's it for presents! A nice little haul.

In other birthday related news, I took a little weekend trip to Las Vegas for my birthday. I really wanted to see Cirque du Soleil's LOVE show before they closed it for good. It was an awesome show! It's really sad that it's over now, but it had a good run. It's strange because I've been listening to the soundtrack for that show since it came out. I'm glad I got to see it. I also left Vegas having quadrupled my money! I spent $200 and left with $800. Thanks, roulette and blackjack!

Work Life

Things are going well at the PBS station. I'm currently working on some new bumps to air between shows- You're Watching PBS! type graphics. One of my favorite coworkers is resigning to go back to teaching, which is a huge bummer, but hopefully she'll keep in touch. Apparently we're hoping to do TWO documentaries this year when in previous years they've barely managed one- I feel like it would be cool if we can do it, but I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of them falls through.

Regarding the nonprofit website I was hired for, it's almost done. Thank FUCK. In fact, I think it IS done, but there are a bunch of small fixes that need to go up. I've never used wordpress before, and I never want to again. It fucking sucked so hard, and the clients were annoying, and the domain hosts were annoying, and every part of this process was annoying. I also learned that you shouldn't go into business with close friends, lest you breed a weird sort of resentment. I'm certain everything will go back to normal once we get this stupid website off our plates entirely, but god do I need a break.

Housing Blues

All my stuff has been moved out of my house in Austin, but unfortunately it's all sitting in a storage unit here while I waste away in my parents' house. I'm in touch with a lady that rents out duplexes, and I really, really want one of those, but she hasn't had any openings for months... Besides a false alarm in May, in which she ended up cancelling on me the day before I was gonna sign the paperwork. It's really frustrating, and I really don't want to live with my parents anymore (it's driving me NUTS), but a duplex would be way cheaper AND way nicer than renting an apartment in this area, and so... I wait.

Thanks anyone who read through this. Even if no one does, I like writing these. I've never kept a diary before and I keep finding myself thinking that this is the closest thing I've got to one. One day I'll look back on all of these entries!