02-04-25: Moon's Haunted

Ohhh man, it's been a while since I've updated my blog. Here comes a mixed bag for the ages!


Looking back at my last entry I see that it's from before I even moved into my new place. Wow! A lot has happened since then. I did move into that duplex, and got a whole new set of bedroom furniture which I'm still paying off. Mattresses are way too expensive, but honestly, you know what's somehow worse? Rugs. 99% of rugs are so fucking boring, and they all cost like 4 times more than youthink they will. I did get a really nice green and black rug from a farmer's market for my living room, though, and I'm super into that purchase. At least it's actually handmade and not some walmart bullshit.

Perhaps one of the most pressing updates on my mind right now is my dad, who is having a triple-bypass tomorrow morning. Our family has a scary history of dying to heart-stuff in our 50s, and I'm kind of a mess over this sudden turn of events. He went in to have some chest pains checked out and they found 95% blockage in three different arteries. Thankfully they caught all of this before he had a heart attack, or this would be a much different post. His heart is still completely healthy, and there's no reason to think this triple-bypass won't be a huge success, but I'm still kind of terrified. I feel like ever since my aunt died I've been really anxious about losing family members- it's something I think about a lot. It's something I have actual nightmares about on a regular basis. And this is just like, almost cementing those fears in a way? My dad has never had any life-threatening injuries or illnesses before. This is just... A really sobering reminder that he's not gonna be around forever, and I really don't like thinking about that.

My brother came to town to see my dad and visit before the surgery tomorrow morning. We're gonna go eat out tonight- probably the last time my dad will be able to eat out for a while. My dad is acting very calm about the whole thing, but I know he's freaked out by it too. Mom says he's moping and hardly talking when my brother and I aren't around. I would be moping too, if I knew they were gonna break my sternum tomorrow, lol. I've been crying a lot this past weekend about this triple-bypass, but I've held it together in front of my dad because I don't want to scare him any more. I don't know if I'll be able to stop myself from crying tonight, though. I just can't imagine this being the last time I see him. Again, this surgery has a 99% success rate and I need to just stop thinking he's gonna die- but it's hard not to!

The Trip

In what might amount to the worst timing known to man, I have a trip scheduled for this next week. I wanted to cancel it in light of my dad's surgery, but both he and my mom were very insistent that I should still go. I'm going to LA for a few days to visit my best friend Ki. It's gonna be a really exciting trip- we had to cancel some of our plans because of the fires, but we got free Disneyland tickets and we're gonna go to the movies and maybe hit up some museums. I'm set to leave tomorrow afternoon- my dad's surgery should hopefully be finished by then, so I'll know how he's doing. If anything does happen, I can just not get on the plane tomorrow. Refunds and stuff don't really concern me at a time like this. I do kind of feel like an awful person for still going through with the trip despite the circumstances, but I haven't seen Ki in over a year and I won't be able to take off again very easily for a while. So, I guess I'm just kind of... playing it by ear for now.


To my great dismay, my newlywed supervisor and his sweet wife, who both worked at my job and were absolute angels, have both resigned and fucked off to another city to "raise a family" or whateverrr. BOOO! Just kidding I wish them the absolute best. But I do wish they hadn't left me! I told them on the day before they left how much their friendship meant to me- moving back to my hometown, with many of my friends having moved away and much of my family having passed away in the past few years, I was really worried about making new friends here. But those two were funny, and sweet, and helpful- we did stuff together, and they even helped me build furniture when I was moving. They're good eggs. I hope they're liking their new home and jobs!

I was sort of expecting to be promoted to fill my old supervisor's shoes, but that didn't happen- something that also surprised some of my coworkers. Instead, they hired a new guy off the recommendations of my old supervisor and the producer here at the station. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but it's become clear that he knows... Absolutely nothing about TV. Nothing about directing, broadcast, live productions... So now I actually am a little bit annoyed they didn't just promote me. What's the point of getting this guy. Especially if I'm gonna have to teach him all this stuff anyway...?!?


Last but not least, projects in the works.

The Zine O'Biology has finally released, with a free version available for download and even a physical release available for purchase at cost- meaning you just pay for the production and shipping costs. If you like Star Trek and/or speculative biology, check this zine out! Be warned, there IS a NSFW portion of the zine, but it is clearly labelled and separate from the rest of the zine. I really love the formatting of this zine- there's all sorts of fun stuff like speculative medical diagrams, angry letters to the editor, fake ads, faux studies... It's fun stuff! I did a full-page illustration for the zine about Soong-Type androids. If you see some blueprints featuring a cross-section of Data, that would be mine!

I applied to be an art mod for an upcoming Star Wars Halloween zine, so that's exciting! I've never modded a zine before, so I don't know if they'll accept me, but everyone's gotta start somewhere so I reckon it's worth a shot! I will probably apply to be an artist regardless of whether I'm accepted as a mod or not.

I'm considering making some small keychains of my OCs just for personal enjoyment. I might also see if any of my friends want one- if so they'll just need to pay for shipping. I have one idea in particular that I really wanna do, but it will spoil my character's planned arc, so I've got to wait...


That's about all I've got right now. I'm sure there's some stuff I've forgotten, considering I haven't made a blog entry since like September, but oh well. Sorry again for the lapse- life was life-ing!